Beyond our commitment to reducing our carbon footprint, we are mobilizing all the skills of our collaborators in the continuous improvement process of our CSR approach.
Our main CSR commitments
People and the energy transition at the heart of our approach
The CVA group develops innovative solutions, contributes to renewable energy research, continuously improves its practices and internal usage by raising employee awareness, reduces and rationalizes its consumption and purchases, questions its governance methods, and modifies its practices.
Our key focus areas:
● to be a major French player in the energy transition
● to engage our employees in questioning governance models
● to ensure the quality of working conditions for our collaborators
● to reject any form of inequity within the company and promote fairer inclusion of employees with differences
● to support inclusive initiatives (businesses, associations, etc.).
CSR organization at CVA
Employees at the heart of our process
Since 2020, our CSR approach has been structured to promote shared governance through 3 key entities.
The Steering Committee is composed of members of management and employees. It defines the CSR strategy and its applications, arbitrates decisions, and communicates them.
● sets the work orientations
● secides on commitments (Carbon Footprint Report, CSR Manifesto, Certification, memberships, etc.)
● initiates employee awareness (membership in the Vendredi engagement platform, info flashes, Health days, CSR newsletter, etc.).
The TASK FORCE explores governance topics, proposes directions, and co-organizes environmental and social actions. It is composed of volunteer employees.
● Reflecting on internal issues (work organization, equality, inclusion, etc.) to propose them to the COPIL
● Organizing campaigns: blood drives, clothing collections, cleanup operations, etc.
A working group dedicated to GREEN IT issues prioritizes, monitors, and steers the continuous improvement of all topics related to responsible digital technology.
● Raises employee awareness about responsible digital technology (Digital Clean Up Day, Digital Fresco)
● Determines relevant indicators
● Verifies and measures compliance with best practices (over 80% of equipment reconditioned)

Going even further
An engagement platform for our collaborators
With the Vendredi platform, our collaborators can raise their awareness of social and environmental issues during their working hours. They also have access to a comprehensive catalog of missions and associations to facilitate their personal engagement on various topics.