Improving performance by sharing knowledge at large scale

Knowledge and know-how are a company’s number one asset; managing and sharing them represent a strategic challenge. For the transition from data, to information, to knowledge, CVA supports you in extracting, summarising, perpetuating and internally promoting your knowledge and know-how in a continuous improvement process.
Thanks to modern IT tools, knowledge management serves to:
● Ensure the longevity of the operational and tacit knowledge produced, to draw more value from it
● Increase the use of high-added-value knowledge, through communication
● Construct a know-how base and maintain communities of practice
● Support the adoption of new working methods (change management).
Forming multi-discipline teams able to take action at each stage of the knowledge handling process

● Content management by a team of discipline specialists.
● Coordination of an authoring and support team.
● Review, analysis, organisation and summary of knowledge and know-how.
● Interviews and re-transcription with key actors in order to share tacit knowledge.
● Optimisation of the feedback process and development of tools to improve feedback use (REX).
● Advice, deployment and support with regard to specific IT solutions.

Carine Rouillon
Holder of a Geological Engineering diploma from France’s UniLaSalle (Beauvais campus), Carine has 15 years of industrial experience in Geoscience projects and data management, notably as manager of an engineering department.

Stéphane Dennebouy
Trained in Physics and Chemistry, followed by a PhD in Geosciences from Mines ParisTech (the Paris School of Mines), Stéphane entered the industry as a Data Scientist. He has almost 20 years of experience as a Project Manager and Business Engineer.
Since 2012, Carine and Stéphane have run the technical assistance and project support activities in the fields of Geosciences, Biosciences, Big Data and IT.
Plus points

Our expertise in the industry disciplines, coupled with our expertise in Data and Knowledge Management, ensure optimal management of your company’s knowledge.

Our mastery of every link in the chain – from data management to knowledge management – and the optimisation of processes allow us to offer optimised solutions.
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